From August to December Rudy was hard at work repairing first the rear of the wagon, then looking at the rear fenders and then replacing the firewall.
Earlier in the summer I had see a 1955 Pontiac 2 door wagon and it seemed to be the same body style from the firewall back, I liked the chrome trim and wondered if it might work on my wagon. So I bought some Pontiac trim to get a better idea, seeing the trim on the car I can't help but think about colours and if I want a solid colour or 2 tone. My wagon was originally painted that 55 turquoise blue/green, but I can think about that later.

I did a quick photoshop mockup of the wagon with the trim, but it’s difficult to get a good idea of what it might look like when the wagon has so many colours. But I did find a 55 Nomad with the Pontiac trim, and it looks good in one colour.

Rust repair


April 2019: Back to bare metal


August 2020: Repairs and new metal